Minh Tri LÊ, Ph.D.

Minh Tri LÊ, Ph.D.

Doctor in deep learning

Seeking an R&D role in AI
Available in Grenoble or remotely

I am a recent Ph.D. graduate in deep learning seeking an R&D position in AI based in Grenoble area or remotely. I am passionnate about AI, innovation, R&D, and software development.

In 2023, I defended my Ph.D. on deep learning for industrial sensor-based applications on the most constrained devices in the state-of-the-art #tinyML with TDK InvenSense and Inria Grenoble Alpes in the Statify research team.
During my Ph.D., I published several papers in international conferences, as well as patents to make deep learning more efficient for tinyML applications.

Learn more about my Ph.D. subject here, or check out this thesis summary.

In 2019, I graduated as an engineer specialized in Artificial Intelligence at the Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC). In addition to the last year of engineering course, I also obtained the Double European Master degree EMECIS in Machine Learning & Optimization between the UTC and the Scuola Politecnica di Genova, Italy, to specialize in research.
During my Master thesis, I worked as a research engineer intern in Deep Learning at TDK InvenSense to get a hands-on experience with my Ph.D. subject.

Check out my resume here.


  • Deep Learning, Machine Learning
  • R&D, Innovation, Prototyping
  • TinyML & All things model compression: Pruning, Quantization, Knowledge Distillation…
  • Edge Inference
  • Traveling, Languages, Interculturality
  • Mountaineering, Hiking, Skiing, Paragliding
  • Videography & Photography


  • Ph.D. in Deep Learning, 2020-2023

    Université Grenoble Alpes

  • MSc. in Eng. in Computer Science & Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, 2019

    Université de Technologie de Compiègne

  • MSc. in Computer Science, Machine Learning & Optimization, 2019

    Scuola Politecnica di Genova

  • MSc. in Computer Science, Machine Learning & Optimization, 2019

    Université de Technologie de Compiègne
